I provide four sliding scale appointments per month to ensure that this practice is affordable for all.

This practice has transformed my life tremendously so if you find that my standard price is too steep for your where you currently are in life - read the scale below and see what fits best for you.

Please consider your current financial standing. If you regularly dine out, can afford to holiday with ease, splurge on shopping and other luxury items - place yourself in the middle to upper part of the scale.

I trust where you are at in this life and believe deeply in honesty. I look forward to working with you.

Suggested Sliding Scale Rates
with discount codes for checkout

$85 if you make $25,000 and under

$100 if you make $25-55,000

$125 if you make $55-75,000

$150 if you make $75-85,000

$175 if you make $85,000+

This idea was adapted from the magnificent Jennifer Patterson